Sunday, June 6, 2010

Technology Fundraising

Hello Sunflower Parents,

The PTA has some exciting fundraising efforts planned this year. I encourage all parents to get involved! If you need ideas or are short on time, please contact me and I can let you know how to help. All help, big and small, will add to the success of this fundraiser

"Experts agree that adequate funding can determine the success or failure of even the best technology plans (Bolyer & Doering, 2010)."

Please read this link for benefits that technology in the classroom may bring to our school:

My approach for teaching (with proven successful results) is Constructivist. I am going to be teaching toward what the student already knows and has experienced, then have the student participate and experience interaction with locations and people from other locations throughout the world. The students are generating their own knowledge through experienced based activities, instead of direct teacher-student instruction.

I have decided to take this approach because while I reflected on past student outcomes and compared the constructivist approach to direct teacher-student instruction, prior methods did not fulfill objectives for the students. I have analyzed, compared, and contrasted the different methods of integrating technology and concluded how student experiences would be positive and would fulfill the objectives needed for their success.

Direct Instruction
  • Students receive information from the teacher

  • Students do teacher-directed activities
Constructivist Learning
  • Learners should generate their own knowledge through experience-based activities

  • Knowledge is the result of one's unique version of the knowledge, colored by background, experiences, and aptitudes
To compare these theories in more detail, please visit Greg Stiffler's Online Portfolio:

The Sunflower class has a goal for this fundraising year.

I would love to get computers in the classroom and have a workstation of about 6 computers. My vision is to have virtual reality tours available to the students. We can add to our lessons of geography, culture, art, and history with the use of virtual reality tours.

One idea technology can add to student learning and engagement:
Explore the Egyptian pyramids to scale and explore the exact layout of Nefertiti's tomb with this technology! Imagine how exciting this will make our lessons. It will stimulate learning and expand student technology knowledge to prepare them for a career in the technological workplace of the future. Prior to integrating technology, this lesson may be dry and the students would not be engaged and have questions. Students would not get to experience a tour of historical locations. The students with the directed learning approach would sit in a desk and have the information told to them. This does not capture the excitement of the whole class, foster discussion with passion, and gear the students toward learning history in an exciting way. Let us maximize their learning experience and help our students reach their full potential!

I know this is a lot of information. I will continue to communicate with you, as this is important for the success of students. I will work with you as a team and be available to you. Please feel free to post comments or questions on this blog. I encourage discussion about this and other topics that come up throughout the school year.

I look forward to a great year,

Samantha Shuker

Roblyer, M.D., & Doering, A.H. (2010). Integrating educational technology into teaching. (5th ed.). Boston: Allen and Bacon/Pearson.

Davis, Rich. (2007). Evansville Courier and Press: Computers in the classroom - Technology connecting students, parents and teachers in online, interactive web.

Stiffler, Greg. (2006). Overview of Directed and Constructivist Models of Learning Theories

DISCLAIMER: This blog is an assignment for an educational technology course at National University. It is not a real fundraising blog.

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